Inspirations / Experiences

In this section we will provide information and materials to theory and good practise-examples of integration policies at local level in different European countries. While the majority will consist of links to websites of various institutions there will be PDF-, MS Word- or text-files as well as other media ...

Description Language Link
The Federal Center for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) provides a good overview on the development of integration policies in Germany, including links to further information. German,0,0,Migration_und_Integration_in_Deutschland.html
The German Ministery of Inner Affairs (Bundesministerium des Inneren) provides a special web-plattform related to matters of immigration and integration, including links to related laws and regulations. German, English
The Represenative of the German Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration (Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration) coordinates integration policies on federal level. The website includes comprehensive materials on related projects, statistical data and a link to the national integration plan and progress reports. German, English
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt als Kompetenzzentrum für Migration, Integration und Asyl) include promoting and coordinating the linguistic, social and societal integration of immigrants in Germany. As a centre of excellence for migration, integration and asylum, the Federal Office carries out a wide variety of tasks. It decides on asylum applications and on the protection of refugees against deportation. German, English


A further Internet page of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has been available to Internet users in German and English since 14 June 2007. The Integration Internet portal sees itself as a central information platform on the topic of integration.
You will also find there all forms and downloads which were previously available on this Internet site.
German, English, Russian, Turkish
The web-portal provides actual information about matters of migration, integration, immigration-policies and demografic developments world wide. The focus is set on Germany, Europe and North America. German


The objective of the Youth Immigration Service (Jugendmigratonsdienst) is to support institutions with materials and tools in order to support social integration especially of younge people in Germany. German


The Network „Migration in Europe“ is a interdisciplinary forum of experts for Migration and Integration, connecting professionals, multipliers, students and school-pupil working in integration projects in Europe. German



The Migration Expert Database (Expertendatenbank Migration) contains information about european experts from governmental and non-governmental organisations, universities, and research institutes, who are occupied with the theme of "migration." German, English,0,0,English.html


Description Language Link/Document
focus Migration is an information service that offers up-to-date figures, data and analysis on immigration, migration, asylum and integration issues. The service consists of three core products: country profiles, policy briefs and the “Migration und Bevölkerung” newsletter (in German only). German, English
The publication „Living in Germany“ (Leben in Deutschland) presents the results of the statistical micro-census 2005 on households, families and Health in Germany. German Leben in Deutschland.pdf [3.61 Mb]
Federal Report on Migration in Germany 2005 (Migrationsbericht der Bundesregierung 2005) German Migrationsbericht-2005.pdf [5.31 Mb]
Description Language Link/Document
The National Integration Plan has been adopted. Along with the federal states and local authorities, associations of migrants and numerous other non-governmental actors, the German government has adopted more than 400 measures and voluntary commitments relating to integration. German

English, French, Turkish version available at:
2007-07-12-nationaler-integrationsplan.pdf  [3.83 Mb]
The first progress report describes the impact of steps agreed under the National Integration Plan for the integration of people with migrant backrgound in Germany German

English, French, Turkish version available at:
2009-02-10-nationaler-integrationsplan.pdf  [4.50 Mb]
Description Language Link/Document PDF
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Aachen German integrationskonzept_stadt_aachen.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Berlin German, English integrationskonzept_2007_berlin.pdf

integration_policy_in_berlin_2007_2011_EN.pdf [2.26 Mb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Bochum German Integrationskonzept_Bochum.pdf [1.24 Mb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Bonn German Integrationskonzept_2009_Endfassung.pdf [206.84 Kb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of 2007 - 2011 German Integrationskonzeption_2007-2011_Bremen.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Dresden German integrationskonzept_dresden.pdf [164.82 Kb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Düsseldorf German integrationskonzept_duesseldorf.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Duisburg German
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Stadt Erfurt German integrationskonzept_erfurt.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Gelsenkirchen German Integrationskonzept_Gelsenkirchen.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Gütersloh German Integration_Charta2_Guetersloh.pdf [23.93 Kb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Hagen German
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Hamburg German konzept_Hamburg.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of in Hamm German
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Hilden German Strategiekonzept_Hilden.PDF
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Leipzig German Integrationskonzept_Leipzig.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Munich German int_konzept_grundsatz_muenchen.pdf [889.69 Kb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Münster German migrationsleitbild2008_muenster.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Nürnberg German
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Solingen German, Italian, Russian, Turkish broschuere_integrationsleitfaden_deutsch_solingen.pdf [1.34 Mb]
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Stuttgart German Stuttgarter_Buendnis_2009.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Wiesbaden German integrationskonzept_LHW_Wiesbaden.pdf
Municipal Concept for Integration City of Wuppertal German Integrationsbericht_2007_wuppertal.pdf [3.71 Mb]
To be filled with content ...